
In this writeup, I explain how to get 4 digit bounty with web applications recon and I hope this article will be helpful for you.

Program Scope and technologies

In the past month in invited to a private program in HackerOne, i usually work on a program with limited scope, and this program just has a sandbox domain: ( and they started the bounty program in Q1 of 2022, I pick up the domain and open my BurpSuite


I signed up using my alias email. after quickly browsing the web application i saw my BurpSuite history, all requests are GraphQL POST method request. I understood finding Bugs in this program is hard but i never give up.

POST requests

Patience and discipline is a key

after clicking every item on the site and working with it, i understand how the application works. The interesting part was that the application send a GET request to GET /api/auth/csrf endpoint for getting new csrf token every 60 minutes. this endpoint vulnerable to Web Cache Deception Attack, but in not really impactful

WCDA on CSRF endpoint

I decided to find an endpoint that would return sensitive information and started fuzzing the GET /api/auth/FUZZ endpoint after some time i found interesting endpoint which returns sensitive information and vulnerable to Web Cache Deception Attack

with this endpoint i can access the all user information and api keys


I reported that to the program and they triaged it as critical


Thanks for reading if you have any questions please reach me out